A chipmunk named Cashew found a magical Acaju tree. Every time he ate a nut, a coin would fall from the branch. Cashew quickly realized that the more nuts he ate, the more money he would make. He opened a cashew bank and began distributing the nuts to other animals, while he himself only made sure there were enough nuts for everyone. As a result, all the animals in the forest became rich because of the chipmunk's ingenuity. Cashew built himself a house with a golden spire and organized a "Cashew Festival" so that everyone could eat nuts together and earn money. 🐿💰
$CASHEW is a token that stands for simplicity, feel safe to invest in the $cashew with a totally secure contract based on SOL, no commissions, no reflections, only Moon.
0% Fees
$CASHEW is angry with tokens that charge a high commission to buy and sell to their users, with this gem you will be able to buy, sell, and trade with total security that your funds are 100% yours.
No Bullshit
A Simple and Transparent contract with no fancy interactions developed to confuse users. $CASHEW is designed in the simplest and most efficient way, its only goal: to break the memecoins profit record.
Community Token
We genuinely believe the token's price must depend on the people's trust, so no tricks here. The more people buying and holding, will mean a price increase. The less people buying and holding will mean a price decrease.